I know this is really weird posting this as I've done, but I've found that sometimes writing is the best form of therapy for me.
You see, I'm dealing with pain, injustice, and anger today. Rick and I live in a wonderful apartment complex. It's beautiful here and up until this summer it has been so peaceful. Looking out our front window we gaze upon a salmon filled pond where eagles and Canadian Geese come to visit.
But lately there has been a lot of loud obnoxious people who have moved in. It's hard being a teacher and trying to teach preschoolers that it's important to follow rules (because doing so keeps us all safe) and then having to live in a community where there are rules, but some choose to obey and others do not.
This whole summer we have had these 'new' people who have just moved in to park in our reserved parking spot, yelling obscenities, leaving kids run up and down the sidewalks and riding skateboards where ever they want. I guess I'm growing old and just can't put up with this behavior any more.
I've had to call the office 5 times in the past 2 weeks because as soon as my hubby goes to work at night, someone pulls into our parking spot and then when he comes home in the morning, there's no where to park. He sleeps during the day and works at least 12 hours during the night, so every minute is valuable to him when he gets home.
After calling the office on Tuesday, reporting again that someone was parking in our spot, I was becoming angry that people can make choices and not have to pay the consequences of those choices (like moving their cars).
Well, last night (Thurs) another car parked in our spot only a few minutes after Rick left for work. I was so upset. I went out to put the note reminding this person that they were parking in a reserve space (as directed by the office people) I let the anger of the situation get the best of me and when I went to turn to go inside, I fell. And fell hard. This is only one spot on my body that was torn apart by this anger and rage. Both of the palms of my hands are black and blue, my shoulder is bruised, my abdomen was in a great deal of pain. All this and what for??????? I wish I could let go of getting angry when I see injustice.
The pain of my injuries didn't set in until I called management again sharing my feelings of anger and not being able to do anything about this. Little did I know at the time that there was a large 'ball' the size of an apple sticking out of the side of my knee.
After my anger calmed down a bit, I saw what I had done and I prayed "Oh, GOD, forgive me of my anger and heal this spot on my knee. I don't have health insurance and I can't go to the emergency room. Please God, touch this spot and make it go away." I rushed to the freezer, got as much ice as I could, put it in a bag and found the closest chair took 4 Motrin... put my leg up and called Rick.
He came to check on me with bandages and love. Fixed me all up. Kissed me and made me feel a little better. But I could see the look of concern in his eyes at the knot that had grown on my knee. He had to get back to work but told me he would be back as soon as he could.
I was exhausted and in pain. Worried and scared. He finally returned in a few hours. And the first thing out of his mouth was "You won't believe this. There was a new car that had just pulled into our spot and it's 1:00am in the morning!" Rick did get the guy to move and I fought hard to refrain from allowing my anger to again rise up inside me.
This morning after making a trip to the drug store to get some free medical advice, I hobbled into the office. Told the manager what had happened and showed him this knee.I do thank God that the swelling had gone done, but I'm left with this very red, scrapped up, sore hurt. We are now taking steps (so to speak :) on getting the next person who parks in our spot towed. If it happens again, which I know it will, the person will have a hard to get off sticker placed on their windshield and then their car will be towed.
Help me with this.... what would you do???? If you are one of those 'calm' type people who are not type "A" like me, I'd love for you to help me get through this. Help me to learn how to let go of all of this. I know with my mind that life is too short to spend what little time I have left wasting it on people who don't really care about me or my health. I want to learn to release this anger so the pain that I feel now in my knees and the ache that flows through my body will be gone. I will listen to all who can help me.