Monday, September 25, 2006

It's Over

Finally, my knee seems to be well on its way to being completely healed. Thank you God! It still feels like I have a water balloon tied around it, but I'm sure that will go away as time passes. I'm so very thankful that I wasn't hurt more than I was and that more importantly, that I learned something through this whole situation. Now, since this is a finished chapter, I can again focus on other things in my life.

It's now been about 3 weeks since I sent my manuscript in and I still don't see any big white envelope in the mail. Some days, I don't even want to go to the mailbox in fear that I will get that envelope back. You see, usually when you send a manuscript into a publisher's they require a stamped self-addressed envelope for the return of your manuscript. Usually, writers don't want to get THAT envelope back.

Right now I'm not sure how I feel about this. I KNOW the idea of the book is a wonderful one and there is definitely a need for what the series offers, it's just that I don't draw and the book really needs illustrated either by drawings or photos. I think that they will say something about that. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

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