Sunday, September 24, 2006

A New Beginning

I am so thankful that my knee is continuing to heal. It's like I'm getting a new knee. I have always had problems with this knee. About 10 years ago, my arthritis was first diagnosed in this knee and then was found in both my hands and my other knee. BUT since this accident, I haven't had any arthritic pain at all.

Yesterday when I was making a purchase at the Drug Store, I couldn't believe this, the clerk actually bent over the counter and asked about my knee. I thought that was a little weird. I still see people looking at it, but to go out of her way... very strange, so when she asked I told her about my story. I made sure the lesson about anger was told clearly. I think I gave her something to think about. I know it has given me a lot to think about over the past two weeks.

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